First step :
Open and complete the admission form by clicking here. You must upload the following documents before submitting your admission application:
Second step :
Following receipt of your admission application, the secretariat will contact you to confirm your eligibility. If the request is compliant, you can proceed to payment. The payment procedure is included in the email communication.
If you ever experience difficulty with the admission procedure, please contact our secretariat at We will be happy to help you.
Third step :
Once payment is received, we will send you :
925, Boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest (suite 264), Montréal, QC. H3A 0A5
Website: Créations André Sactouris
Le CNQ étant un organisme sans but lucratif, tous les dons participent à faire valoir la cause de la naturopathie.
Vous devez être membre pour vous connecter. Pour devenir membre consultez notre page : Devenir membre
Si vous vous connectez pour la première fois et vous n’avez pas de mot de passe, SVP utiliser le lien “Mot de passe perdu”
You must be a member to log in. To become a member, please visit our Become a member page.
If you are logging in for the first time and do not have a password, please use the ” Lost password ” link.