Our members are all trained in the health sciences and have naturopathic diplomas. They have the knowledge to correct the lifestyle of the people who consult them and advise them by applying natural health factors.
The naturopath teaches how to manage your lifestyle to achieve and maintain your optimal level of vitality.
The naturopath guides you in the application of all natural health factors: diet, physical activity, posture, rest, sleep, relaxation, sunshine, mental development, psychological balance, human relations, professional success, existential realization, sexual activity, hygiene, healthy clothing, habitat, environment, water, soil and healthy air, etc.
The naturopath assesses your level of vitality with you and then helps you establish an effective, detailed and personalized program to achieve your health goals.
The naturopath provides consultations, leads workshops, gives conferences, gives interviews, writes articles, publishes books, etc.
The word “naturopathy” is formed from “nature” and “path” and means the “way of nature”.
Naturopathy is the philosophy, art and science that allows human beings to achieve and maintain the highest possible level of health, by effectively managing their lifestyle habits. »
Members of the Collège des Naturopaths du Québec hold a post-graduate diploma in naturopathy and respect a rigorous code of ethics.
Consulting a member of the Collège des naturopaths du Québec is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle.
The consultation fees of a member of the Collège des Naturopaths du Québec are refundable, in part or in full, by most insurance companies.
The World NATUROPATHIC Fédération brings together, in a register, the institutions representing the different schools of naturopathic thought throughout the world.
This federation, chaired by Doctor Jean-Marc Brunet, N.D., particularly favors the hygionomist and vitalist conceptions of naturopathy.
925, Boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest (suite 264), Montréal, QC. H3A 0A5
Website: Créations André Sactouris
Le CNQ étant un organisme sans but lucratif, tous les dons participent à faire valoir la cause de la naturopathie.
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