The naturopathic approach practiced by members of the Collège des Naturopathes du Québec is aimed at the proper management of all lifestyle habits, in both the sick and the healthy.
The naturopathic approach practiced by members of the Collège des Naturopathes du Québec is aimed at the proper management of all lifestyle habits, in both the sick and the healthy.
The naturopath is not simply a health specialist; its action would then be limited to the dissemination of knowledge. But health is not a simple question of recipes. Consequently, through his training and the primary interest he places in the lifestyle, is more than knowledge, the naturopath masters the contextualized and exact application of a set of factors and elements promoting health It’s one thing to be well-informed about health, but it’s another to give naturopathic recommendations; this type of advice takes into account the entire reality of a person at a particular moment in their life.
Naturopathic action is carefully measured and coordinated; it results from a detailed and expert study of his condition; it is part of a progressive plan; it respects our physical, physiological and psychological limits.
The pregnant woman, the growing child, night-shift workers, the chronically ill, the injured, the intellectual, the sportsman, the sedentary, the stressed person, etc., as well as their temperament, their vitality, their age, gender, social responsibilities, beliefs, activities, etc. are all elements determining the specificity of the naturopathic approach.
The uniqueness of the person creates the uniqueness of the naturopathic approach.
The naturopath will help you establish a detailed, effective and tailor-made program to recover, maintain or improve your health.
The approach adopted by the members of the CNQ has remained faithful to the great basic principles that have driven Quebec naturopathy since the very beginning, that more than 60 years ago.
925, Boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest (suite 264), Montréal, QC. H3A 0A5
Website: Créations André Sactouris
Le CNQ étant un organisme sans but lucratif, tous les dons participent à faire valoir la cause de la naturopathie.
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